Friday, March 02, 2018

Piotr Wozniacki: I consider myself as one of the best coaches in the business today.

My translations of these two pieces by @johasger: Piotr: Caroline has the same mentality as Federer and Serena and Piotr Wozniacki: I'm one of the best coaches in the business , which are translations, approved by Piotr Wozniacki, of this Polish piece Piotr Wozniacki: We still are hungry for more.

Piotr Wozniacki on keeping motivated:

"In our case, there's no grounds for worry. Our motivation hasn't dipped in the slightest after Melbourne.

"The latest success is the result of many years of hard work. It wasn't unexpected. We're enjoying it, but we've also prepared ourselves for it.

"Caroline has the same mentality as Federer and Serena. She won't rest on her laurels When she's won one title, she wants the next one, and the next one. As well as I know her, she's not someone who wants to end her career any time soon. And I also have dreams and ambitions as a father and coach."

Grandchildren can wait?

"My son [Patrik] already has child, so I already have a grandchild. My daughter and her fiancé will decide themselves when her sport career is over and it's time to turn the tempo down. He was a top athlete and can help with that sort of decision.  I'm not going to interfere in their lives. I'm ready for the day when she comes up to me and says, 'Dad, I'm quitting. We have other priorities now. I'm not going to try and put pressure on her or talk her into to changing her mind."

Your daughter is happy?

"Yes, she's happy. As a family, we've understood how to find the right balance in our lives. Tennis hasn't destroyed it. We're still on the same wavelength. The sun still rises and sets after the Australian Open and first place in the rankings."

On being one of the few parent coaches who's managed to stay close to their kid for so long:

"As a coach I've learned a lot and have matured. I made mistakes in the beginning, and I see clearly what I could have done better. I never played professional tennis. I was a footballer. But today I'll rather immodestly claim that I'm one of the best coaches in the business. I have an enormous amount of knowledge today.

"Tennis is in my eyes one of the most complicated of the modern sports. It's a puzzle with many small pieces. In the beginning, we based things on a lot of good intentions, but not always as much sense. But Caroline has so much determination, discipline and fire in her that she got through that difficult period in one piece.

"She didn't rebel and question my decisions. She trusted me. She tried to do what I asked of her, even if it was sometimes unnecessarily up hill. Thanks to that attitude, she is where she is today."

You don't have any coaching papers ...

"I have something you don't get with diplomas: the experience and skills that allow me to work at the top level. I can analyse and manage a team. We took care of the basics years ago. Any real estate agent will tell you that the value of a house is based on a solid foundation. Caroline has that. I'm sure of it."

Looking at your reactions during a match, you seem to be an excellent psychologist.

"The line between father and coach is very thin. You can get close, but never cross it ... What I'm talking about now you can't learn at any university. After so many years, I know when to keep a stone face, and when to go on court with strong remarks."

Today she's a Slam winner.

"We've waited a long time for this win. Maybe the next one will come a bit quicker. We'll se. I'll always remember the words of my neighbour Wojciech Fibak (top Polish Player) when he spoke with me for the first time about Caroline. He was honest about what he saw as her strengths. He didn't see the same good hands as Radwańska, but saw a talent for hard work. If every year we could make her stronger and physically add a couple of percent, she'd reach the top.

"We've never gone to extremes. We've never crossed the river looking for water. We've believed in what we did. And the good advice from the pioneers is just as valid today."

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